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About the Company

Maxess Webtech LLC was founded in 2023 and is committed to providing inclusive and accessible websites to all clients – whether individuals or large companies. With a strong focus on web accessibility, we aim to bridge the gap between technology and users with disabilities, creating an equal and empowering online experience for everyone. By leveraging our expertise in web development and accessibility guidelines, Maxess Webtech delivers high-quality websites that comply with modern web accessibility standards - improving user engagement, and ensuring our clients and their users’ enjoy the Web as it was envisioned.

From the Founder

Photo of company founder

Hello, my name is Max. I was born and raised in Little Rock, Arkansas and have been legally blind since birth. I attended the Georgia Institute of Technology where I graduated with a B.S. in Physics in 2013. I’ve been a professional web developer for about ten years now, but I first learned the basics of web dev when I was 14, almost 20 years ago. In those 20 years the internet has changed... a lot, especially in regards to web accessibility. I founded Maxess Webtech with the goal of maximizing access to all websites for all users and doing my part to help the World Wide Web reach its full potential.